Mike Zhong's speech on 01 Feb 2020 | 中國民主團結聯盟(民聯)Chinese Alliance for Demoncracy (CAD)

Chinese Alliance for Demoncracy (CAD)

目 錄



Mike Zhong's speech on 01 Feb 2020


Chair, Tibetan Brother, and Sisters, Ladies and Gentlemen

Good afternoon, thank you all for coming. My name is Mike Zhong, I am the President of the Chinese Alliance for Democracy. I was born in Northeast China in 1963. My parents and grandparent's generations have all suffered greatly under the brutal CCP regime. 6 members of my mother's family died of starvation alongside of 36 million people during the great Chinese famine, my grandfather and his brother were taken as slave labour to work on a dam, both had died of starvation while working in their works station.

My grandfather's brother and his wife were land owners. In 1949 the CCP took their lands and put them on a struggle session, where they were beaten by the crowd and forced to stand under the sun without food or water. They died on the yard of a flour mill.

Today the same regime runs China, they have become richer and powerful but more brutal intolerant than ever. Chinese people living under the CCP regime continues to suffer. The destruction and systemic oppression they have committed in Tibet and Xinjian is unthinkable. Millions of Uighurs are being locked up in camps, being tortured, inslaved and murdered right at this very moment, for no reason other than they are Uighurs.

The CCP likes to make people believe that any criticism towards the CCP regime is criticism towards the Chinese people. I stand here as a Chinese man, criticising the CCP. The CCP do not represent the Chinese people, never have and never will, because they obtained their power through lies, the same lies they tells today. They are the destructors of Chinese values, I believe many Chinese people would feel the same. I also stand here as an Australian man, our Australian value is based on universal human rights, democracy and liberty, we are all about having a fair go and standing up for the little people, I call for the Australian public and Australian Government to take action to stop this atrocity.

This week marks the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, I would like to take this opportunity to commemorate those who have died and suffered during the holocaust. The late Nobel writer and Auschwitz survivor Elie Wiesel once wrote “The opposite of love is not hate, it is indifference”. And today what we see far too often is this indifference, we say never again never forget, but it happened again and again. History have demonstrated so many times that humanity dies when we becomes indifferent to the suffering of others.

MLK once said “injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. In today's interconnected world, it is impossible for the suffering of others to not affect you. Helping the Uighur people is helping our self, standing up against the CCP is self-defence. I am standing here telling I care and I am standing here asking you to care.


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